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For by GRACE you have been saved
through faith, and that NOT of
yourselves; it is the GIFT of God,”
— Ephesians 2:8

I Am Ministry, we will not meet for church service this Sunday March 15. We will return to our normal monthly church service schedule on Sunday April 5th.

In the meanwhile, I personally recommend tuning into the link below for the gospel of grace on Sunday. New Creation Church in Singapore has been amazingly gracious in sharing the link on their Facebook page.New Creation Live Service Link

May the Lord continue to richly bless Pastor Joseph Prince, his family, staff, ministry and the entire New Creation Church, and Grace Revolution Church team. They are a tremendous blessing to everyone.

Thank you.



I AM MINISTRY began as a Youth evangelistic mission group on November 2009. The Lord's gospel of Grace, through faith, opened our eyes, hearts and minds to see and experience the true Love of God. It's this Love that CAUSED us to want to be His hands and feet in serving the Skid row community our first two years of ministry. On April 2011 we reorganized and began to meet in homes for Bible study, feeding on the Word for the better part of six years. On February 5th 2017 we pulled together in faith and began to host church services at the Mid City Arts Center in Los Angeles. By the grace of God we're going strong and are very optimistic about the future. Our vision is outlined on the vision page. Be blessed and greatly encouraged. 




The Lord loves a cheerful giver and so do we. Give according to what each has decided in their heart to give and not reluctantly or under pressure. Be blessed by Grace, amen.