Our Vision

We, the Volunteers of Misión I AM Ministry, are Youth born and raised in the city of Los Angeles and its bordering communities. As a team, our goal is to offer to Youth around the South Central area in L.A., programs that will help them develop in:

  • Academics
  • Music & Arts
  • Computer Basics & the Internet
  • Nutrition & Health

Aside from these programs, we would also like to offer a place of worship and spiritual rest for all.

Our intention is to give back to the community in a graceful manner, such as we have received. Our vision has always been to offer what we as children living in low income communities could only wish and pray we had.

For this reason, we would like you to partner with us, to make our dream of having a facility, The Garden. This facility will allow us to offer programs and services to the Youth in our community. Through this project, we aim to answer prayers and make wishes come true, with God's strength and your help.

The Programs



The L.A.U.S.D. budget cuts and the difficult economy we live in now have had a negative impact on the potential future of the Youth. Our team would like to positively influence students by offering an after school program where high school students can freely:

  • Receive tutoring and assistance with their school work.
  • Have access to computers, printers, and other tools that will help students continue to advance in their education.

In addition, we will also offer workshops designed to help high school students who wish to go to college or vocational schools, apply for scholarships, F.A.F.S.A, Bog Waivers, Government Grants, and many other financial aid programs the government offers.

& Art

We intend to bring back focus and nurture the artistic and musical talents of the Youth in our communities.  Our programs will provide knowledge and aid in developing the artistic skills of our Youth. Our team of wonderfully talented individuals has offered to teach:

  • Beginner to advanced art classes that include drawing, painting, sculpting and sketching.
  • Beginner to advanced music classes including electric guitar, bass guitar, acoustic guitar, keyboard, percussion drums, and techniques on how to vocalize and sing.

Computer Basics 
& the Internet

We will also be providing basic computer skills classes in English and Spanish for Youth and adults who have not had the opportunity to take these courses. We will teach:

  • Computer basics such as how to use a computer and understanding operating systems.
  • How to use applications such as QuickBooks, Microsoft Office, Photoshop and the Internet.
  • Basic typing lessons.

& Health

We also believe in a balance between the mind and body. We will encourage Youth to be healthier by offering classes that will teach:

  • Simple and easy ways to eat well.
  • Safe physical exercises.
  • Sport activities such as baseball, basketball, football and soccer.

The Garden

The Garden

The Garden will house all the classrooms and meeting halls needed for the programs we will be offering to the community. Furthermore, this facility will serve as an outdoor church on the weekends for the L.A. communities. It will be a place to come out and enjoy the rest and peace the Gospel of God's Grace brings to the heart and mind. The Garden will bless the mind, body and soul. 


We believe that empowering our Youth today, will serve as a catalyst for positive growth in our world tomorrow. Thank you for donating and joining us in fulfilling our Vision.