We Believe

WE BELIEVE that Christ Jesus is the Son of God, and that He is in the Father and our Heavenly Father in Him. We believe that God is Father, God is Son, God is Holy Spirit- God is One. He is the Great I AM

WE BELIEVE it is by God's Grace that we are in Christ. He made the way and is the way to the Father, in whose hands we are eternally secured. We were crucified together with Christ by God's will. We stood accused, judged, and punished until death, in Jesus, by the will of God. "Therefore there is now No condemnation for us who are in Christ Jesus... We died to the Law by the Law, that we may live to God, through Christ Jesus... For I no longer live, but Jesus lives in me" Romans 8:1, Galatians 2:19-20. 

WE BELIEVE in God's wonderful Redemption and in His loving adoption of us by Christ. His blood paid our ransom, and His Holy Spirit sealed us with His unfailing guarantee of eternal loving ownership. It is by His loving Spirit within us that we cry out Abba (Daddy) to Him. God's wonderful, warm, nurturing Spirit of love embraces us ever so tightly causing unexplained outburst of praise and worship. It is God's love that melts all fears away. His Grace is so invigorating and inviting... we cannot resist.

WE BELIEVE in His amazing Grace and Love for us. By His Spirit we see and feel His unconditional love. In Christ Jesus we are complete- Holy, Blameless and Righteous before God Himself, through Himself. We believe God made Christ Jesus to be Redemption, Righteousness, Holiness, and Knowledge of God for us, in us.

WE BELIEVE that Faith comes by hearing, and hearing comes from hearing the Gospel of Christ. Faith is the gift of God to us, caused by the power of the Gospel of Christ, which is the power of God on to Salvation. Aside from Christ we have nothing and are nothing. But in Him, we are Complete, Crowned with Honor and Glory, seated at the right hand of the Father. As the Scriptures say, "as He is, so are we, in this world" 1 John 4:17.

WE BELIEVE in God's promise of our awaiting inheritance in heaven, and in the One coming to us, to be revealed in the end days. Rapture is not a cause for fear or panic to us. It is our long awaiting hope in Christ Jesus, protected by the faith given to us by God. Rapture is the inheritance revealed in the end times, which takes us to our reserved inheritance waiting us in heaven. "The Perfect Love casts out fear” 1 John 4:18.

WE BELIEVE in Christ Jesus our I AM, our Health, our Healing, our Hope, our Faith, our Righteousness and Knowledge thereof, our Redemption, our Standing before God, our Armor of God, our Kingdom of the Love of God, our Savior and Salvation, our Deliverer, our Peace and Joy, our Security and Guaranty, our Image before God, our Prosperity and Wealth, our King, our Maker, our Brother and Father, our Abba... King of Kings and Lord of all. The One True God. The Beginning and the End. Amen.